The Immigration Polytechnic or the Immigration Academy has been a Working Unit (Satker) since 1999, which gives the Immigration Polytechnic the authority to provide official education. The principle of civil service itself is to develop an egalitarian, collegial work culture, and uphold the rights of all parties involved in the learning and decision-making process, which applies to the development of the civil service system in the Immigration Polytechnic. By paying attention to all the existing cultural provisions, it is enforced, which in its implementation through a mechanism that can maintain and accommodate all elements, functions and roles that exist in the Immigration Polytechnic.
There has been a change in the structure of the Immigration Academy due to demands for changes in higher education management policies, and along with the development of the world of Official Education which is substantially academic under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Culture. In this case every tertiary institution in Indonesia must refer to several statutory provisions related to Higher Education, namely Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, Law Number 12 of 2014 concerning Higher Education, Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020 concerning Higher Education National Standards.
Through the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology Number 227 / KPT / I / 2016 dated 28 July 2016, as well as Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 59 of 2016 concerning Organization and Work Procedure of the Immigration Polytechnic and Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 28 of 2020 concerning Immigration Polytechnic Statute, has made the Immigration Academy into an Immigration Polytechnic Higher Education Institution (Poltekim). With a diploma applied education level, currently, the Immigration Polytechnic has 4 (four) Study Programs consisting of 3 (three) Diploma 4 Study Programs, namely the Immigration Law Study Program, Immigration Administration, Immigration Technology Management, and 1 (one) Study Program. Diploma 3 of Immigration. The regulation is binding and is used as a common reference, it applies to all elements of the academic community, starting from students, lecturers and leaders of the Study Program.
The implementation of a management system that has a leadership level that is quite efficient and is collective in nature. Likewise, the Study Program which cannot be separated from the Immigration Polotechnic as a sub system, the Head of the Study Program has the responsibility for the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education.
The Poltekim Director is assisted by the Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs and Students, Deputy Director II for General Administration, and the Head of the Study Program. Head of Academic Administration and Students, Head of General Administration, Head of Administration Laboratory Unit, Head of Library Unit, Head of Academic Administration, Student Administration Sub Division, Civil Service Sub-Section Head, Finance Sub-Section Head, Head of Research and Community Service Center and Head of Library Unit , as well as the Head of the Quality Assurance and Internal Supervision Unit.
The Immigration Polytechnic Senate which has the authority to elaborate the POLTEKIM Director's policies into a work plan and regulations for the Applied Undergraduate Program as a normative body and the highest representative at the Immigration Polytechnic level. The following is an overview of the functions, duties and authorities in the organizational structure of the Immigration Polytechnic as shown in the following figure: