"Let's build your own Dreams Together"


The Immigration Administration Study Program is domiciled at the Pengayoman Campus, the Indonesian Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM), Law and Human Rights, Jalan Raya Gandul No. 4 Cinere Depok, West Java. There the Immigration Technology Management Study Program occupies buildings called Ksatrian AIM, this knight has various educational support facilities, such as sports facilities in the form of a gym, archery, tennis court, futsal field, basketball court, volleyball court. and facilities for Language Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Immigration Practice Laboratory and Library.

All cadets at the Immigration Polytechnic get housing facilities in the form of dormitories. In addition, they also get all the equipment and attributes of cadets such as PDH (Daily Service Clothing), PDL (Field Service Clothing), PDO (Sports Service Clothing), PDU (Ceremonial Service Clothing), PDP (Cruise Service Clothing), marching band uniforms , pet hat, beret, and shoes. Not only that, all of these Immigration Academy cadets are also entitled to an allowance that will be earned every month and a cruise every week

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1. class

As the primary facility for learning, the Immigration Polytechnic has 21 classrooms. Each classroom can accommodate up to 45 cadets and two educational facilitators. In addition, there are educational support facilities such as white boards, computers, sound systems, infocus, furniture, and air conditioners in the classrooms.


To meet the needs of general lectures and joint classes, the Immigration Polytechnic has an amphitheatre classroom facility. The amphitheatre classroom with terraced chairs provides a clear perspective for all cadets in the room. In addition, there are educational support facilities such as white boards, computers, sound systems, infocus, furniture, and air conditioners in the classrooms..

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sarpras lab

To improve the skills of the cadets, the Immigration Polytechnic is equipped with three laboratories. The computer laboratory, with a capacity of 64 computers and one server room, is a place for cadets to practice to improve their software and hardware development capabilities. With a capacity of 64 people, the language laboratory provides software and audio videos for learning 4 foreign languages, namely, English, Dutch, Japanese, and Chinese. The immigration practice laboratory is a complete simulation of the immigration office and immigration checkpoint. The Immigration Practice Laboratory is connected to the Immigration Information and Management System (SIMKIM) to complete the knowledge taught.


The Immigration Polytechnic Library has a library of contemporary books, journals, and magazines published nationally and internationally. The Immigration Polytechnic Library is connected to the library repository of the Directorate General of Immigration and the library repository of the Human Resources Development Agency for Law and Human Rights. Immigration Polytechnic library membership is open to all Immigration Polytechnic academics.

sarana perpus
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The Immigration Polytechnic's lecturer room is provided as a supporting facility for permanent lecturers in planning, compiling and evaluating teaching materials. With an open concept, the lecturer room, located in the secretariat building of the Immigration Polytechnic, makes it easy for lecturers to communicate and discuss together in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition to providing a lecturer room for permanent lecturers, the Immigration Polytechnic has a waiting room for lecturers intended for permanent lecturers, non-permanent lecturers, and education facilitators in the classroom area. The lecturer waiting room, equipped with a meeting table, is a place for discussion for all lecturers.


To accommodate alumni association activities, the Immigration Polytechnic has an Immigration Polytechnic Alumni Association (IKA Poltekim) room. The Alumni Association Room is the secretariat of the Central IKA Poltekim.

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