"Let's build your own Dreams Together"



The target of education is human. Education aims to develop the potential of human resources (HR) so that they become mature, civilized, and normal human beings. Therefore, the field of education needs and must get serious attention, handling and priorities within the government, society in general and managers.

The target of education is human. Education aims to develop the potential of human resources (HR) so that they become mature, civilized, and normal human beings. Therefore, the field of education needs and must get serious attention, handling and priorities within the government, society in general and managers.


Making standard operating procedures for learning, research and education governance in the Diploma 4 Immigration Administration study program


Increasing the professional competence of lecturers and teaching staff through educational activities and special training for educators so that they have proper qualifications and certification as educators.


Conduct curriculum development and evaluation of the learning process on a regular basis.


Improving cooperative relationships to support the development of students' abilities in the field of immigration administration.


Provision of educational facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process of the Diploma 4 Immigration Administration study program.


In the process of achieving the Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies of the Immigration Administration Study Program, the Immigration Polytechnic has the resources as factors that support the success of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Strategies that have been designed, namely:

Human Resources

Reliable human resources are needed to prepare Immigration Polytechnic graduates who are ready to work and have competence in the field of immigration administration. Some of the qualifications needed as supporting factors are human resources who are competent, innovative, integrity, professional and have high competitiveness in their work. The human resources at the Immigration Polytechnic include lecturers, teaching staff and academics. Lecturers are educators who have met the qualifications to disseminate science and technology in the fields of education, research and community service. Educational staff are members of the community who devote themselves and have the task of providing education at the Immigration Polytechnic. Academicians are human resources that include lecturers, teaching staff, structural and functional officials at the Immigration Polytechnic who play a role in the education process.


All funding for Immigration Polytechnic activities comes from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) which is contained in the Budget Implementation List (DIPA). All student activities at the Immigration Polytechnic are carried out based on the budget plan that has been prepared by the Immigration Polytechnic in the Budget Work Plan abbreviated as RKA. The Immigration Polytechnic's Budget Work Plan (RKA) must be approved by the Head of the Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Human Resources Development Agency, then submitted by the Director to the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia to be ratified into the Immigration Polytechnic's Budget Implementation List (DIPA).

Facilities and Infrastructure

At the Immigration Polytechnic there are 25 lecture rooms that can be used by a maximum of 40 students, there is 1 computer and language laboratory room, 1 immigration service and inspection practice laboratory, a multipurpose room (hall) and a library. The Immigration Polytechnic lecture rooms are equipped with comfortable and proper air conditioning (AC) to support the learning process, whiteboards, projector facilities in each classroom. The cleanliness of the classroom is also always maintained and the supporting facilities for cleanliness are also sufficient. The Immigration Polytechnic also provides supporting facilities to maximize the learning process, research and community service. There is a library, a computer center with free internet connection. Meanwhile, other supporting facilities for activities are outside the building, such as dormitories where students live, sports fields, ceremonial fields and supporting buildings for activities.

The VMT achievement control mechanism is carried out in the form of internal supervision in the form of coordination meetings and lecturer board meetings at the end of each semester for periodic assessments as well as an annual internal quality audit (AMI). In addition, there is external supervision in the form of monitoring the use of the budget carried out by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia and the Financial Supervisory Agency (BPK) in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. From these activities, the results of the evaluation of the achievement of KPI, IKT, and SWOT analysis are used as recommendations, corrective actions, and formulations to achieve VMTS in the following year.